Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 Review

Terry’s Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 Review

Mechanic's Training

Ever wondered how it would be if you were to work in a car workshop?  As a professional car-mechanic I can tell you it’s no bed of roses, but I definitely love what I do.  In fact it’s sort of fun at times!  Imagine my surprise when I found out they made a really fun and interesting video game out of it called Car Mechanic Simulator 2015.

I often get asked by prosepctive mechanics about what being a mechanic is like from day to day.  If your goal is to get yourself acquainted with the life of an auto mechanic, it might be time to take a look at this game.  It’s definitely piqued my interested.

So today, I wanted to tell you what this game is all about and whether it is worth getting for those who are looking to get a new game on their PC. This review will take a look at its features, pros, and cons before determining if it is the right game for you and your needs.

Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 Features

At a high-level, these are the basic tenants of the game.  As you can see they’re looking for the user to build an auto shop from the ground-floor up.  Which is sort of like real-life.  You’ve got to build the business before you can do anything and that’s what the game pushes it’s user to do.

1) Create And Expand Auto Service
2) Range Of Cars
3) Use Various Tools To Resolve Car Related Problems
4) Learn To Overcome The Hardest Challenges
5) Get Behind The Scene Of A Workshop

Easy To Play

The main requirement for a game as complex as this is to make sure it’s easy to play. You are not going to be a professional mechanic going into this process, so you do want things to run well and be easy in certain circumstances. The build up of the gameplay is what makes it empowering.

You are going to understand everything, and it won’t go over your head.

As long as you are committed to the game, you will be able to complete the project in front of you and get the car back to how it was.

Beautiful Graphics

Yes, that's a Delorean
Yes, that’s a Delorean

The graphics are breathtaking when you start up the game and well ahead of their time.

There aren’t too many games in any niche that are as good as this because they have spent a lot of time on the intricate details. You can tell the developers spent time on this and wanted to get every detail bang on so you can learn as you go.

Things aren’t overlooked when it comes to car parts and the tools you’re using for the job at hand. Everything has been taken into account, and that’s going to bring a smile to your face.

Plethora Of Scenarios

There are so many different scenarios to work with, and that does make you happy as a gamer.

You will be presented with a range of problems, and some of them are going to be far more difficult than you had assumed. This is what being a mechanic is all about.

Seamless Increase In Difficulty

They have done a good job with the difficulty. It’s seamless.

You are going to get harder issues as you gain experience and that’s going to test you. It is not going to be hard right out of the gate. Plus, their interface provides assistance along the way when you are assembling an engine.

Can Get Tiring

Even the most passionate of car enthusiasts will start to feel the grind of this game. It’s not the game’s fault but being a mechanic isn’t easy!

It can take a toll on a person in a way other games wouldn’t.

It’s best to take it easy on the game and soak in the interface over a longer period. This is going to give you greater value and will make it a fun experience. Those who do get into it state the game is unbeatable when it comes to its mechanics.


Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 is the real deal and is well worth the money being spent on it. The interface is gorgeous, and the plethora of situations makes it a real winner. You are not going to get tired of what they’re putting in front of you.

A lot of people think they’re going to put the same problems in front of them all the time and that’s incorrect.

The game does mix it up, and the best part is, they even use random descriptions such as “I don’t know what the issue is,” which makes it even harder for you to figure out what’s going on.

It’s a great buy for car enthusiasts and mechanic alike.  Try it out and let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading…Terry

Terry Wade

Terry Wade is a traveling Car Mechanic in Southfield Michigan. He's been repairing cars for nearly 20 years.
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